| Results:1
Company Info ::::.
Jugoslovenske armije 9
Bačka Palanka, 21400
Tel.: 021/6042-548
Fax: 021/6042-548
Bačka Palanka, 21400
Tel.: 021/6042-548
Fax: 021/6042-548
Other Categories:
- atmospheric discharge
- atmospheric discharges
- building objects
- configuration
- control - controls the continuity
- earthing
- electrical lightning rod
- electro projectors
- engineer activity
- equipment of lightning rod
- facade filling
- fictitious sphere
- French manufacturer
- high voltage
- level of protection
- lightning
- lightning counter
- lightning protection
- lightning rod
- lightning rod
- Lightning rod with a device for early start
- microsecond
- projecting
- radioactive lightning-rod
- reception line
- roofer
- surge protector
- Thermal insulation flammable materials
- thunder
- thunderstroke
- time precedence
service description:
Elprim Ltd. offers complete service of engineering for facility and room protection from atmospheric emptying: projecting, delivery and installation of outer lightening rods, reconstruction after dismantling of radioactive lightning rods, as well as installing of surge protector to protect equipment and devices that are located in the buildings.
Before the installation of lightning rods we do prescribed tests, assessment and calculations of the level of protection of the lightning protection installation, which must be installed in a building designed in accordance with the latest Serbian regulations and standards.
Building protection from lightning with the help of prehensile wire in a form of a lightning rod with early starter, based on estimates of lightning protection installation using fictitious sphere, space and buildings will effectively be protected. Lightning rod installation done by this method is effective and economical, especially for facilities which` facade and roof thermo-insulation covering is made of flammable materials.
With lightning rods with an early starter device, at the request of the customer, we deliver a lightning counter which registers all atmospheric emptying in the lightening installation and equipment which is used for periodic and extraordinary verification and control of continuity of the receiving lines and the correctness of the lightning protection installation and the grounding system.
| Results:1