Company Info ::::

service description:

About us after 50 years of private business!

Our company was founded as a family business - entrepreneur - on 1 September 1970 in Novi Sad in former Yugoslavia. We fulfilled the legal conditions for the establishment of a private company, Metron d.o.o., in 1991, and in the same year, there was a need to expand and establish a company in Hungary, and in Romania in 1994.

The company’s main activity:

Representation of foreign companies: DICKEY-john, Stable Micro Systems, AND Instruments, Bruins Instruments, Infracont, Yucebas Machinery etc., which produce modern laboratory and measuring equipment and equipment for the quality and quantity control of goods, sales, calibration and servicing of laboratory measuring equipment, as well as providing laboratory services for testing agricultural/food products.

Our chemical laboratory tests the quality of agricultural products and animal feed, also preparing reference samples for the calibration and inspection of moisture analyzers and  analysers for grain. The long list of tested items includes: moisture content, crude protein, crude and total fat/oil, starch, cellulose, ash, wet gluten, falling number, flour acidity, sodium, potassium and urease content in soy products, flour quality testing, determination of aflatoxin content in agricultural products, sedimentation index - Zeleny test, determination of the phosphorus content in animal feed.


Metron doo.
- 21124 Novi Sad, Janošikova 16.
Tel. & Fax: +381 21 505 525
Tel. & Fax: +381 21 506 035
Mobil: +381 63 851 2217
Laboratorija: T/F: +381 21 506-277, 506-255 (direktor) (ml. Jr.)

Metron Kft.
- 1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 27.
Tel.: +36 1 316 8167, 788 4205
Fax: +36 1 316 0137
Laboratory: +36 1 787 5954,+36 70 94 30 612
Mobile: +36 30 9430 687

Metron Srl.
– 300593 Timisoara, Str. Putna 7.
Tel.: +40 356 004-513
Mobile: +40 747 037 141

520023 Sf. Gheorghe-Jud. Covasna,
Str.Józef Bem Nr.2. ap.5.
Tel. & Fax: +40 267 351 006
Mobil: + 40 745 026 623

More contacts:

your images:

AND Instruments
Bruins Instruments
Stable Micro Systems
Yucebas Machinery



analytical balances
dairy product analysers
digital thermometer for grain storage
falling number
flame fotometer
flour and wheat quality testing instruments
foreign representation
gluten washer systems
grain analyzers
grain moisture testers
grain quality control
hanging scales
hay moisture testers
instruments for quality testing
laboratory equipment
laboratory measuring equipment
manual dockage sieves
measuring equipment
measuring metre
measuring metre and regulation equipment
measuring the moisture of seeds
mini combine for grain sample
moisture meter calibration
